Easter Event

Good morning,

Just to let you know about our Easter activity.

In the past, CDYC held a dawn Eucharist Service on Easter Sun on the Warren Beach at 6am!

This year will be a little bit different.
We will be meeting at Smuggler’s Cove in Rosscarbery at 1.30pm for an afternoon of activities of Crazy Golf, Maze, Tubing Park and food.
Afterwards, we will walk down to the Warren Beach, where we will meet Rev. Cliff Jeffers and Rev. David Bowles, for a Eucharist Service at the more reasonable time of 6.30pm

The cost will be €25pp.
Smuggler’s Cove is for Secondary School students only.

But the service has always welcomed anyone who would like to come a long and join in with the young people and the youth workers.

If you have any teenagers interested in coming along to our afternoon of madness, please get them to contact me to book a place before the 9th April at the latest.
If you have any questions, please drop me an email.

Best wishes,

Hilda Connolly

Diocesan Youth Officer

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