Newsletter July August 2021

Kinneigh Union of Parishes July – August 2021



 We’re back in church and it’s been such an amazing experience.  The opportunity to see people face to face and to put a name to a face has been most exciting.  What can I say but, “THANK YOU LORD.”  As the restrictions ease and more people are vaccinated, I certainly look forward to meeting more of you.

May I take this opportunity of expressing my sincere thanks to everybody involved in preparing the churches, services and all who ensure that the church grounds and graveyards are well kept and maintained. 

Rev. Ivan


Mark of Mission No.3. TEND– To respond to human need by loving service. The symbol for this mark of mission is our hand in God’s hand, giving help to those who need assistance. Anything that we do to serve God through loving practical service comes under this mark of mission. This can be as simple as cleaning the church, cutting the grass in the graveyard to supporting Cork Simon Community or giving assistance to your neighbour who needs a hand. 

The key principle here is that it is not done out of duty or with a heavy heart, but done as an outward sign that, because of our experience of God’s love for us, we in turn love our neighbours as ourselves and want the best for them – and we are willing to go out of our way to help them. One of the ways that other people (our families, neighbours, work colleagues) can see that our faith means something to us is shown in how we treat other people.

In John’s gospel (13:35) Jesus says: ‘By this will all people know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.’ I think that the Church of Ireland responds to this mark of mission more naturally than an of the others. It is almost like it is in our DNA. We get great satisfaction from serving God in the life of our church, and in practical ways in our families and with our neighbours. This is no less God’s Mission in our world than Proclaiming the Good News about Jesus or Nurturing new believers (Marks 1 and 2), but we do seem to find it easier to engage with than some of the other marks of mission. Take time to reflect on the things that you do for other people as well as in the life of our church, and ask yourself the question, ‘Why do I do this?’ Is there some element of ‘responding to human need by loving service’ because of our love for God?

CHRISTIAN AID Thanks to Revd. Tony Murphy and Mr. Andrew Coleman (Diocesan Co-ordinator for Christian Aid Ireland) for affording us the opportunity to participate in the fundraising walk to raise funds for a special project in Burundi.  The aim is to assist the local community, under the supervision of the church, to grow maize and to set up a Co-op (over a period of 3yrs.) that would eventually make the organisation self-sustainable.  

On Wednesday 26th May, we were blessed with a beautiful day and wonderful company as we embarked on a leisurely walk along the Enniskeane and Ballineen Heritage Trail.  To all who joined in, thanks.  A special thanks also to all who so generously donated financially.  It all went a long way in helping Revd. Tony achieve his goal of €10,000. We will continue to pray for the work of Christian Aid and for Revd. Tony and Mr. Coleman as they seek to spread God’s love by improving the lives of our brothers and sisters in less fortunate situations. 

A group of people standing in front of a stone structure

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The Revd. Tony’s goal was exceeded and the final total raised was €12,000 and our contribution was €750 towards this amount.

The Revd. Tony said that “while he had driven through Enniskeane on many occasions, while travelling to Fanlobbus Union I had never deviated from the main road. The heritage route was most interesting, passing a beautiful park, meeting Ms Shireen Rountree and her charges in Ballymoney National School, discovering St. Paul’s Church and the graveyard of the last man who died as a result of a pistol duel”.

A group of people holding a sign

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BALLYMONEY NATIONAL SCHOOL June was an exciting month. Two new pupils joined fifth class – Keelan Browne O’Neill and Isaac Vowles-Burrows, we are delighted to welcome their families to our school community.

Bottle Top Mural Thank you from everyone at Ballymoney National School to all the parishioners of Kinneigh Union who have helped us to collect bottle tops. In September, we put a sign up and appealed for plastic bottle tops, the response was incredible. For months people have delivered bags of bottle tops to the school. Our two classrooms have been completely separated this year due to Covid-19 restrictions. They have separate entrances and separate breaktimes. We decided to complete a collaborative art project to help our pupils feel connected to each other. The mural is finally finished and is on the Rossmore Road; it is 24 feet long and 8 feet high. Altogether it took 12,400 bottle tops to make the mural! It depicts our view of Ballineen Bridge with Enniskeane on one side and Ballineen on the other side. It shows some of the wildlife that we are lucky enough to see from our playground – herons and swans. We hope it brings a smile to your face to see what we have created from your rubbish! We were fortunate to have the use of St. Paul’s Parish Centre during the year to store the mural, it simply would not have been possible without it.

Outdoor events The weather finally dried up in June and allowed us to explore our local environment. We had a guided biodiversity pond dip in the Bandon River with Catherine Seale from Cork County Council. We went for a scavenger hunt, went on a maths trail, visited the playground, had active week and held our sports day at the BEDA pitches. 

Blue Star Flag We have been awarded a Blue Star Flag for our project work on the European Union. This involved four quizzes, 

baking buns and icing them with European flags, completing some collaborative art projects and holding an outdoor assembly.

End of Year Assembly Our virtual End of Year Assembly took place on zoom this year. It was an opportunity for the parents to view videos of all the activities that have taken place this year. Our four sixth class pupils were presented with a gift of a bible from the Select Vestry at the assembly which we hope will be a source of guidance, strength and comfort to them throughout their lives.  

As a parish we would like to wish all this year’s leavers every blessing for the future as they move onto high school.  May they and their families have a wonderful and safe holiday before they begin the next phase of their academic journey.

To Mrs. Shireen Roundtree, the principal, the other staff members and the Board of Governors, thank you all very much for the sterling work you have done under very extreme circumstances to ensure that all the learners still received a great education this year.  You are all greatly appreciated.  Be assured of our continued prayers for you all and may the Lord recharge you as you enjoy a well-deserved holiday.

REVD. CLIFF JEFFERS A collection was made throughout the parish as a thank you for all the support, pastoral care, online services, guidance that we have received during our vacancy. Also for the help given to Revd. Ivan and for including him  in the online services. The Select Vestry are pleased to report that a figure of €1,500 was made to Revd. Cliff Jeffers. 


4th JulyTrinity 511th JulyTrinity 618th JulyTrinity 725th JulyTrinity 8/St. James

2 Samuel 5: 1-5,9-10Psalm 48Mark 6: 1-132 Samuel 6: 1-5.12b-19Psalm 24Mark 6: 14-292 Samuel 7: 1-14a
Psalm 89: 20-37Mark 6: 30-34, 53-56
2 Samuel 11: 1-15
Psalm 14John 6: 1-21

KinneighHoly CommunionKilmeenHoly CommunionFarranthomasHoly CommunionKilmeenMorning Prayer

FarranthomasMorning PrayerKinneighMorning PrayerKinneighMorning PrayerKinneighHoly communion


1st AugustTrinity 98th AugustTrinity 1015th AugustTrinity 1122nd AugustTrinity 1229th AugustTrinity 13

2 Samuel 11: 26-12:13aPsalm 51: 1-13John 6: 24-352 Samuel 18: 5-915, 31-33Psalm 130John 6: 35,41-511 kings 2:10-12,3: 3-14Psalm 111John 6: 51-581 Kings 8: 22-30,41-43
Psalm 84John 6: 56-69
James 1: 17-27
Psalm 45: 1-2,6-9Mark 7: 1-8,14-15,21-23

KinneighHoly CommunionKilmeenHoly CommunionFarranthomasHoly CommunionKilmeenMorning Prayer

 11.00   am
FarranthomasUnited ServiceHoly Communion

FarranthomasMorning PrayerKinneighMorning PrayerKinneighMorning PrayerKinneighHoly Communion

St. Bartholomew’s Church, Kinneigh Eircode P47 WO23

St. Patrick’s Church, Farranthomas – Eircode P72 CR20

Christ Church, Kilmeen – Eircode P85 RF30

                                                                Telephone 023 8847856             Revd. Ivan Ruiters

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