Newsletter November – December 2021

Having recently returned from a wonderful holiday with family and friends in South Africa, my wife and I are most grateful to God for all His many blessings to us. We’ve travelled quite extensively by both air and road and never for one moment doubted the Lord’s presence with us. Having been exposed in so many public spaces we’ve also avoided contracting any infection from Covid-19 as confirmed by our PCR test 5 days after our return. God is ever faithful, and we are most thankful for all His blessings.

To all of you who have kept the home fires burning while we’ve been away, thank you very, very much, especially the Rev. Anne Skuse, Archbishop Richard Clarke, Rev. Cliff Jeffers and Rev. David Bowles, together with the Diocesan Lay Readers, Mr. Gordon Coombes and Mr. David Bourne, our churchwardens and everyone else who was involved.

Having recently celebrated Harvest Thanksgiving we are reminded that God always blesses us in abundance, even when we are surrounded by so much negativity. Who can complain about this year’s harvest of the land, the livestock, our health, relationships and well-being. As we journey towards Christmas may we always be assured of God’s presence and unlimited love for each of us, especially when we seem overwhelmed by life’s troubles and hurdles.

God bless.


The Five Marks of Mission

Mark of Mission No. 5 TREASURE – To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and renew the life of the earth.

Joyful awareness of the beauty and fruitfulness of God’s creation is found both in the Jewish tradition and in Jesus’ teaching; but the idea of the life of the earth being actually threatened by human greed is less evident. However, it is implicit in Leviticus 25’s command to leave the land fallow every seven years since the land belongs only to God and must be cherished. Since Jesus’ time, the misunderstanding of Genesis 1’s instruction “Let [humankind] have dominion over all living things”, and “fill the earth and subdue it” has resulted in a sense of entitlement, even in conscientious Christians, to harness all creation for our own enrichment. This ignores both Leviticus 25 and Genesis 2’s statement that God “put the man in the Garden of Eden to till it and keep [i.e. protect] it.” Jesus was deeply aware of God’s care for all creation: “Look at the birds of the air; they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns and yet your heavenly Father feeds them.” (Matthew 6:26). We may be “worth more than many sparrows” but that only underlines the fact that, as disciples sent by Jesus to do God’s will, we are to care for them, and all creation, as does our Creator.

Concern for climate change has been on the agenda of the Church of Ireland for many years. The General Synod passed a resolution several years ago not to have investments in companies whose business involved fossil fuels. This year, all parishes were requested to consider their green credentials, and to do all that they can to reduce their carbon footprint.

We are all getting more aware of climate change and the effect on the environment. We will see many changes in the coming years, due to government policy and increasing concern for our world, not least among our young people for whom this is a very real and pressing issue.

Part of the mission of the church is to play our part in safeguarding the integrity of God’s creation. In our own lives, in our homes, work, farms and in our church. God gave us a beautiful and bountiful world to live in, and it is our responsibility as his followers to do our best to look after it. This needs to make a difference in the way we think and make decisions in our lives, in order to play our part in improving the environment, no matter how small our efforts may seem to be in the bigger picture.

Maybe you can have a discussion in your home about the things that your family can do to be kinder to the environment and help to safeguard God’s wonderful creation.

Select Vestry

The next meeting is on Wednesday 10th November in St. Paul’s Parish Centre, Ballineen at 8.30pm.

Mothers’ Union

Hilary Dring our Diocesan Mother’s Union President came to Ballineen on the 27th of October in aid of the Mums in May Appeal. Thank you to those who joined Hilary to hear about the work of the Mother’s Union and for the 5k walk which raised €125 on the day. A big thank you for the enjoyable refreshments that followed the walk.

Mother’s Union has a fund called ‘Away from it all’, where they provide some assistance to families who would otherwise be unable to afford to get away for a break. If you would like to make an application for 2022(or know someone) then please get in contact with Rev. Ivan.


November – Wednesday 3rd in St. Paul’s Parish Centre, Ballineen at 8.30pm. A talk and slideshow by Mrs Frances Stanley on her trips to Luweero and what has happened since. Refreshments and all welcome.

December – Tuesday 7th in St. Paul’s Parish Centre, Ballineen at 8.30pm. Refreshments provided and all welcome.

Members will be notified if we are unable to go ahead with the meeting due to further COVID advice.

Festival Services

The 3 Festival Services planned in different parts of the Diocese have had to be cancelled due to the rising number of cases of COVID and the advice to reduce our social contacts.

A service is being planned to replace these services and will go out on the 21st November on zoom. Further details will be announced as soon as possible.

16 Days of Activism

The Mothers’ Union have produced a Prayer Diary for “16 Days of Activism

Against Gender- Based Violence and Abuse”

Calling for an end to violence and abuse around the world; between the 25th November and 10th December 2021.

What is 16 days of Activism – The United Nations’ 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-based Violence and Abuse is an international campaign. It takes place from the 25th November (International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women) until the 10th December (International Human Rights Day).

Started 30years ago by activists at the inaugural Women’s Global Leadership Institute, the 16 Days are used by individuals and organisations around the world to call for prevention and elimination of violence against women and girls.

Throughout the campaign, Mothers’ Union joins with over 6,000 organisations from approximately 187 countries to raise awareness of, and call for an end to, gender-based violence and abuse in all forms and in all societies.

GBV can affect any person at any time, and statistics demonstrate that women and girls are particularly at risk. Every day of the year, Mothers’ Union works alongside communities to help end domestic abuse and gender-based violence and to support those affected by it. For these 16 days, we focus on women and girls, recognising the value of women and men reflecting, praying, and acting together to call for an end to violence in all its forms.

National Helplines:

Women’s Aid National Helpline Ireland, tel: 1800 341900 (24hrs)

Men’s Aid Ireland, tel: 01 554 3811 (Mon-Fri 9am – 5pm)

Ballymoney National School

October was an eventful month. The senior classroom began their ukulele lessons and thoroughly enjoyed playing them outside in the shelter where they can safely sing along. 

On the 4th October, the pupils enjoyed watching an interview with David Walliams on zoom. He was encouraging and gave the pupils lots of good advice about becoming creative writers. The first round of the Concern Debating Competition took place on zoom on the 15th October against St. James’ National School Durrus. The school proposed the motion ‘Shopping local should become the new normal’.

Maths week took place in October.  There were lots of maths activities including maths trails, a ‘Have you got your maths eyes?’ photography competition, maths games for homework, an interview with Dr. Aoibhinn Ní Shuilleabháin, minecraft for education in the senior classroom and the junior classroom enjoyed learning how to code with their beebots.

We were delighted to receive their eighth SFI Discover Science & Maths Award. Congratulations to all pupils for all their wonderful science work last year and thank you to Ms. Sullivan for co-ordinating our application.

Charities’ Regulatory Authority

In the past, all parishes operated under the Diocesan Charity Number for refunds from Revenue. In the near future, all parishes will need their own registration and operate according to the Charity Governance Code. The Select Vestry has been working on putting the policies and procedures in place as well as having validation methods to be complaint with the Governance code. Once these are in place then the Select Vestry will oversee the implementation of the Code and ensure that our records are in kept in order and available for audit in the future.

Diocesan Magazine

Our Diocesan Magazine brings us the news from around the parishes of our diocese as well as from Diocesan events and schools. The Diocesan Magazine Committee have been in contact to encourage more people to subscribe to the magazine, and also to see if anyone would be interested in advertising in the magazine. The Diocesan Magazine Committee would like to thank our subscribers from Kinneigh Union for their support. Subscriptions are only €25 for printed copies (11 per year) or €20 for an emailed version. Please contact Graham Garland 087 1382596 if you would like to start getting the Diocesan Magazine in 2022. For details about advertising, the contact person is Dorothy Verplancke and she can be contacted on [email protected] There are plans to enhance the format and style of the magazine in the near future and we look forward to seeing new articles and a new format in the coming months.

Safeguarding Panel

The role of the Safeguarding panel is to ensure that all our Children and Youth leaders’ Garda Vetting and Training is up to date, that our policies are being implemented and records are being maintained and filed.

Our panel consists of the following people: Mrs Shirley Shorten, Mr Kenneth Baker and Rev’d. Ivan Ruiters.

Covid 19

We had been hoping that there would be positive and significant changes in Covid-19 guidelines on the 22nd of October. One thing that has happened is that the restriction on the number of people attending services no longer applies. But we must still socially distance, wear masks, hand sanitise and ensure that the buildings are well ventilated. Consequently, we are still restricted on numbers in church congregations. If you are feeling in anyway unwell, please do not come out to parish events.


If anybody is interested (6th class or in Secondary School) and have not already talked to Rev’d. Ivan please do so in the coming weeks. As soon as we hear when confirmation might take place, we will start the preparation classes in conjunction with Fanlobbus Union.

Services November

  Date    7th  November
3rd Sunday before Advent
14th  November
2nd Sunday before Advent
21st November
The Kingship of Christ
28th  November
Advent Sunday
  Readings  Hebrews 9: 24-28 Psalm 127 Mark 12: 38-44Hebrews 10:11-14, 19-25 Psalm 16 Mark 13:1-8  Revelations 1:4b-8 Psalm 132:1-12 John 18:33-37  1Thessalonians 3:9-13 Psalm 25:1-9 Luke 21:25-36
  10.00am  Kinneigh
Holy Communion  
Holy Communion
Holy Communion
Morning Prayer
  11.30am    Farranthomas
Morning Prayer
Morning Prayer  
Morning Prayer
Holy Communion


Some of us, along with 17 other participants have been meeting on Thursday evenings doing an online course called “SHAPE”. Through teaching and self-assessment we have been looking at the unique way that God has ‘Shaped’ us to serve Him. At the end of the course the participants will reflect on their ‘Shape profile’ with their rector, who will help them determine how best they are equipped to serve God in their family, community and church.

Diocesan Synod

The synod will take place on Saturday 27th November. The final arrangements are being re-assessed due to the current level of infection being notified and the advice to limit social contacts. Further details will be notified to the unions’ synod members as soon as possible by the diocesan secretary.

Services December

  Date  5th  December Advent 212th December Advent 319th December
Advent 4
25th December Christmas Day26th  December St. Stephen’s Day  
  Readings  Philippians 1:3-11 Benedictus Luke 3:1-6Philippians 4: 4-7 Song of Isaiah Luke 3:7-18Hebrews 10:5-10 Magnificat Luke 1:39-45Isaiah 9:2-7 Psalm 96 Titus 2:11-14 Luke 2:1-14Acts 7:51-60 Psalm 119:161-168 Matthew 10:17-22  
  10.00 am  Kinneigh Holy CommunionKilmeen Holy CommunionFarranthomas Holy Communion  Kilmeen Holy Communion 
  11.00 am      Farranthomas Holy  Communion
  11.30 am  Farranthomas Morning PrayerKinneigh Morning PrayerKinneigh Morning Prayer  Kinneigh Holy Communion 

Additional Local Services – December

Sat 18th      7.30pm…. Carols in the Car Park – Tanyard Lane, (Supervalu) Dunmanway.

Sun 19th      7.30pm…. Carols in the Car Park – All Saint’s Church, Drimoleague.

Fri 24th       5.00pm…. Crib Service – St. Mary’s Church, Dunmanway (Live Stream)  

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